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Why the Healer’s Gathering?

A little over a year ago The Healer’s Gathering was birthed. Tamra Fleming, Sandi Hanson, Katie Cavanaugh and I were each on our individual healer’s path, each with a strong desire to make a difference in the world. We were all brought together in a magical and mystical way.  We knew when we met that something big was brewing.

Along our journeys we each had opportunities to have conversations with many healers and they have shared their struggles and frustrations about their journeys with their work.  We found there to be common threads to these challenges. I now refer to these as “The Universal Struggles of the Healer”.

  • Have you felt the calling to serve others in their physical, emotional or spiritual pain, but are not sure how to move forward with this path?

  • Or maybe you are already following your calling but you feel isolated and ‘on your own’ in your work?

  • Do you struggle with how to put yourself out there in the world and still feel authentic?

  • Do you find that you compromise yourself – physically, energetically, and emotionally?

  • When you hear of the success of a fellow practitioner do you feel jealous or envious? Or maybe you have thoughts like “That can never happen for me.” Or “I try and try and I don’t why that doesn’t happen for me”.

  • Are you predominantly right brained and find it challenging to ‘run a business’ in this left brain world?

You are not alone in these feelings and struggles. Most healing practitioners have been challenged by most if not all of these issues. I have certainly lived all of these challenges at one time or another in my 27 years of practice.

The Healer’s Gathering was created for people just like you. We want you to feel empowered, supported, and inspired to do your work – your unique work without compromise. The world needs YOUR healing touch.

The inaugural Healer’s Gathering took place in Sisters, Oregon in September of 2012. It was a resounding success – “life changing” was the overall feedback.

Katie and I have teamed together to carry the torch forward. The second annual Healer’s Gathering will take place September 20-22, 2013 in Sisters.

The 2013 Healer’s Gathering promises to be more powerful. We have brought together an amazing array of teachers that will help you “supercharge” your gifts as well as give you practical tools to move your work forward and upward. Our teachers include Colby Wilk, Marcia Bench, Barbara Largent as well as your co-hosts Katie and Regina. We will also be graced with the music of beautiful singer/songwriter and healer Anastacia. Please visit the website to see the offerings of our teachers.

Here are 10 reasons for you to attend the 2013 Healer’s Gathering:

  1. You’ll be inspired by incredible teachers to stand more fully in your role as healer.

  2. You will discover new tools to empower you as a healer.

  3. You’ll gain the skills and knowledge you need to take your career and business to the next level.

  4. You will build a valuable community of healers, a support network, and mentors.

  5. You’ll discover a new sense of confidence and passion for who you are and what you do.

  6. You will receive tools to help you become more grounded, centered and balanced.

  7. You will learn to amplify your impact as healer in your work and in your community.

  8. You will learn ways to walk the path of the healer with ease and grace.

  9. You will be investing in yourself and in your ability to help others.

  10. You will connect your unique gifts and to the truth of who YOU are – as a healer.

  11. You’ll have fun!

Katie and I have also collaborated together to create “The Four Pillars of Your Sacred Healing Temple” – a forthcoming book and as well as a series of FREE supportive “Healer – to – Healer” tele-calls. We speak to your challenges and you will receive guidance and practical tools to authentically bring your healing work into the world.

Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates, words of wisdom as well as access to the tele-calls (live and archived).

Register now and save! We currently have an early bird special rate. Receive $100 off the ticket price of $297. This special price ends on July 5th. Click here to register NOW!

In the spirit of collaboration, we would so appreciate it if you shared this email and information with 5 of your friends (or more!)

Please like us on Facebook! I look forward to connecting with you soon! Regina

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